Get the most for your money
For the best rates, use our website to make a reservation request.
Many booking sites claim to have the best prices for every hotel, including Stavanger Bed & Breakfast ™. Not true.
We are the only one that can give you the truly best rates for when you stay with us.
You get lots of benefits when you request a reservation directly on our Official Web Site. All our room prices are per room, per night – not per person.
You don’t need a credit card to request a reservation on our website.
There is no deposit or prepayment required when you request a reservation on our website.
There are no cancellation costs when you request a reservation on our website – all we ask is that you let us know as soon as possible if you have to cancel.
Request a reservation here, on our website, for the best rates.
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Free coffee and tea
Help yourself!
We just thought you’d like to know…
When you stay here at Stavanger Bed & Breakfast ™ – as an extra service to all our guests, we offer free coffee and tea in the dining room during its opening hours.
Even if you arrive early!
We hope you like it!
Our Dining Room
We can make you a packed lunch if you want
Need more than breakfast?
We call ourselves Stavanger Bed & Breakfast, but our guests can enjoy more than just breakfast when they stay with us.
As a service to our guests, we offer the possibility to provide reasonably priced snacks, packed lunches, and thermos refills.
Our Dining Room